ICE Industries expands for the 6th time in Grenada.

Ice Industries stamping operations
Grenada's job market got a shot in the arm this week when Ice Industries added contracts for outdoor machine enclosures.
Ice Industries, headquartered in Sylvania, Ohio, will be investing more than $4 million into the Grenada facility to add new paint capabilities.
The Grenada facility primarily serves the automotive, HVACR, appliance and off-highway markets as a one-stop stamping, welding, and painting center.
"In this difficult supply chain environment, customers continue to look for United States-based supply chain options that reduce the number of suppliers in their supply chain. Ice's ability to stamp, weld and paint all in one location provides a cost-effective and dependable integrated supplier," Howard Ice, chairman, and CEO of Ice Industries, said in a statement.
Ice said the company will be adding more than 120 personnel to support the Grenada investment, which will begin in the third quarter of 2022.
"The ICE expansion is a continuation of the positive industrial growth that is occurring all across Grenada County. We are pleased to support our local industrial partners as they continue to invest in our community," said Matthew Harrison, CEO of the Greater Grenada Partnership.
The Grenada facility was opened in 2010 and Ice has expanded five previous times with investments from the Mississippi Development Authority. However. MDA did not contribute to this latest expansion.
"Since its inception in 1999, Ice has regularly expanded our capabilities and prided itself in providing customized solutions for our customers, and this is no exception. We enjoy working collaboratively to deliver exactly what is needed for our customers' production lines at high volume to support their business needs and processes," said Paul Bishop, Ice Industries' president, in an email.