Historic Milestone: Grenada Joins the Delta Council in Regional Economic Development


In a historical announcement Thursday night at the Greater Grenada Partnership annual meeting, Grenada County officially became the 19th county of the Delta Council service area.

This announcement, which was the result of a unanimous bylaws change by the Delta Council Board of Directors and the business and political community of Grenada officially requesting to be part of the Delta Council service area, marks the first time that a county has been added to the Delta Council area.

“It is lost in history why Grenada County was the only part-Delta county not included in the foundation of our regional organization founded in 1935, but this step completes the work of Delta Council and all Delta and part-Delta counties,” stated Delta Council President Woods Eastland of Indianola. “Grenada has many positive things occurring, and we appreciate their faith in our regional program of work.”

Eastland specifically thanked Keith Mitchell, Chairman of the Greater Grenada Partnership and a Regions Bank executive, for working with Delta Council and Grenada officials and business leaders to form the partnership.

"The Greater Grenada Partnership is all about building relationships with partners that enhance our community’s economic outcome. What better way for us to continue that effort than join with such an esteemed organization, as Delta Council," stated Chairman of the Greater Grenada Partnership, Keith Mitchell. "Delta Council has a long history of success, and we look forward to being an asset in the future of the Delta."

At Thursday night’s banquet, Eastland and Delta Council Development Department Chairman Tom Gresham both spent a few minutes addressing the packed crowd on the work of Delta Council across many different fronts and expressed their gratitude for their faith in Delta Council.